Integration of E-Way Bill API

Integration of E-Way Bill API

API stands for Application Programming Interface is an intermediary interface that permits two separate applications to communicate with each other. E-way bill API is similar to the aforementioned statement. And, in this blog, we will discuss the integration of e-way bill API.


What is an E-Way Bill API? 

E-Way Bill API empowers a taxpayer to automate their e-way bill processes. Utilizing E-Way Bill APIs after integrating with the ERP or accounting system will interact with the NIC servers. Using the e-way bill API one can easily generate, update, cancel or reject e-way bills. The e-way bill API acts as a messenger between the ERP and the NIC servers. 

Who can Opt for E-Way Bill APIs? 

  1. Transporters/Logistics Companies 

Non-compliance for the transporter can be very exorbitant given that it can damage his relationship with his customers. Therefore, it makes a great deal of sense to automate the e-way bill process using e-way bill APIs and take the leverage of the e-way bill automation. Moreover, automation by integrating e-way bill APIs will ensure timely dispatch of the consignment and better resource usefulness. 

  1. Taxpayer 

Any taxpayer hoping to automate the entire e-way bill process can integrate e-way bill APIs with their ERPs. An automated e-way bill system for a taxpayer will reduce work, ensure compliance and increase efficiency. 

  1. Developers 

Using an e-way bill API, a business can create its own stand-alone e-way bill software or integrate it with Accounting/ ERP solution. 

How to Avail E-Way Bill APIs? 

When considering automating the e-way bill process, selecting the right service provider is important. A provider can be shortlisted depending on a range of criteria, such as  

  1. The life of APIs,  
  2. Languages supported, 
  3. Security features,  
  4. Cost 

The above-listed criteria are the major to choose E-Way Bill APIs service providers. 

NIC E-Way Bill API 

National Informatics Center (Government of India Organization) develops these APIs. However, the taxpayer needs to meet the following conditions to benefit these e-way bill APIs: 

  1. An automated invoice generation system 
  2. Generate around 1000 e-way bills per day on the e-way bill system 
  3. The domain must be SSL or TSL certified 
  4. Static IP address 
  5. ERP should be modified that it can easily exchange the data with an e-way bill system 
  6. Intensive testing on pre-production site with somewhere around 200 activities 

Note: These requirements are only for the Vanilla e-way bill API which is not supported by the majority of taxpayers. 

GSTrobo® E-Way Bill API 

GSTrobo® E-Way Bill API is not only easy to integrate but does not have any pre-conditions as specified above. Moreover, we provide 24*7 assistance to our clients for quick problem redressal. Our e-way bill API includes the following functionality 

  1. Generate E-way Bill 
  2. Update PART B 
  3. Cancel E-way Bill 
  4. Update Transporter 
  5. Reject E-way Bill 
  6. Extend Validity 
  7. Consolidated E-way Bill 
  8. Add Multi-Vehicle 
  9. Get E-way Bill Details 
  10. Get GSTIN 
  11. Get HSN 

Advantages of E-Way Bill API 

A taxpayer can enjoy the accompanying advantages after integrating E-Way Bill API with their systems: 

  1. Automation of the overall e-way bill process will reduce the scope of errors by eliminating manual intervention. 
  2. Automation of the e-way bill process will also increase efficiency and save hundreds of hours. 
  3. Utilizing EWB APIs the taxpayer can steer clear from double entries of invoices. 
  4. E-way bill API’s can be customized as per the requirement of the taxpayer 

Way Forward 

In case if you do not want to write codes from the scratch, instead, you can use e-way bill APIs to automate the e-way bill process. Moreover, a decent e-way bill API makes it much easier for a developer to create a program or write a code. Hence, e-way bill API comes in handy when you want to create a customized application that serves your requirement and easily integrates with your ERP (including home-grown or in-house ERP). 

3 Replies to “Integration of E-Way Bill API”

    1. Hi Nilesh,

      Kindly provide your requirements on this number +91-9599181693.
      Happy to help!

      Team GSTrobo

  1. we have our existing software for E-Invoicing we want to upgrade this for E way Bill please contact us for the same.

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